Tuesday, August 4, 2009

just so i dont forget later

my user infoMay 4th 2009 - 5v5 with subs playing to 21 and when we are losing 7-8 jesse twists his ankle and goes out. the score then gets pushed to 11-20 us still losing then jesse comes back in AND he is still injured! then him, me, steven, brian and alex go on a 14-3 run and win 25-23! game winning shot was me and assist was from jesse!
starting 5 = jesse steven wilson brian andrew
subs = alex and i
finishing 5 = jesse steven brian alex me
when it was tied 21-21 jesse gathered the guys on the court and said WITH GUSTO-
WE CAME THIS FAR WE ARE NOT GONNA LOSE YOU GUYS GOT THAT?! then we started talking game plan...sooo epicc

NO IM NOT BLOGGING...just yet =)

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